Beach Plan 101

You’ve arrived! It’s the start of the first day of your beach vacation. The sun is shining, and the beach is calling your name. This is what you have anticipated and waited for: sunshine, sea, blue skies, and sand. The excitement fills the mind. There is a rush to book it out the door. However, before you hightail it out the door it’s wise to have a plan in advance for that day at the beach. When taking a beach vacation or any vacation, the whole point is to relax. So, planning will make the day go a lot smoother. I recall, as a young mother, I didn’t plan accordingly for one, okay on two beach vacations. I just went with the flow. Well, for me being spontaneous on those two trips had a downside. Because when going with the flow, I found the beach trip was not the most comfortable and enjoyable experience. I recall making breakfast, dressing the children in their swim garments, applying sunscreen, grabbing some towels, and then headed out the door to the beach. Once we arrived at the beach, we picked a spot, laid the towels down, and the adventure began. And an adventure it was! The first hour (or maybe less) it was exciting. The children and I were playing, wading in the sea, and burying our toes in the sand. But after an hour passed, the flow of tears and complaints began from all; I’m hungry/thirsty, my towel is wet, the sand is itchy, I’m bored, the sun is shining on me, and that bird keeps staring at me. Ugg, what happened to the excitement and joy? What happened was I didn’t plan efficiently for our beach day and learned the hard way. I should have made a plan for our day at the beach. I should have planned and packed before we left for the beach. Great thinkers have a plan in place. Richard Cushing said, “Always plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark.”
Yes, I know what you’re thinking; it’s a vacation. This is the time to be free and leave the plans back at the office. True! On vacation, you’re free, no worries, no schedule, just letting things happen-going with the flow. Being spontaneous can be good at times. But when heading to the beach and there is a plan in place, things seem to run a lot more smoothly. Let’s think back when you first booked your vacation. You planned and booked: the destination, where to stay, restaurants to eat at, photographer and excursion tours. But a shore thing you missed in your planning was booking beach rental gear & beach supplies.
I learned from my mistake on the first two beach trips that I would need a lot more than a few towels to keep the excitement and joy going for more than an hour. I needed Shore Thing Beach Rental Supplies and Services. I needed chairs, an umbrella, beach wagon, cooler, a beach blanket, sand toys, and games to make our trip to the beach more relaxing and comfortable. If I planned accordingly by booking beach gear and essentials, the day would start like this. “Good Morning Sunshine, we’re going to the beach, and I had planned the day so we will sit in comfort, have a picnic, play beach games, and have shade. It will be a relaxing, fun day! Now, who’s ready to hightail it out this door to start the beach adventure?”